Author Archives: Skye the Ferret

About Skye the Ferret

Known as Blau Rascon on Second Life, Skye's a somewhat cynical furry with a blog.

A TG Memory: The Grid Merge

I was cleaning out my inventory and found this – a notecard I wrote a year ago (quite literally) of my opinion on the Grid Merge. I was going to send it out in a notice to my friends group, but I don’t think I ever did.

I just thought I’d share this – my thoughts on the merge while I was still a Teen Grid resident.

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A TG Memory: Holy Snap, You’re Skinny

Something I hadn’t really taken notice to until recently was the great difference between Main Grid shapes and Teen Grid shapes, especially for girls. Guys stayed pretty consistent, believe it or not.

I think you could have guessed this: Teen Grid girls are skinny.

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Interesting Location: Tinkle

Go on, giggle all you want. I know I did.

Tinkle is a shopping-oriented sim owned by hinata Pepp. It’s home to several very nifty shops, including anz-an, **NAMINOKE, and Mikan YA/ Ya-zuya. There’s some really nifty content here that you may not have even thought about before, like jumping stumps and ghost orbs. It’s worth a look!

Click here to visit Tinkle.

A TG Memory: Partnerships

On the Main Grid, partnerships mean a variety of things, from what I have seen, including a very close friendship, a romantic relationship, and so on. On the Teen Grid, however, partnerships are generally reserved for serious relationships.

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Bark Bark Bawk

I actually kinda like the idea of SL pets, like dogs, cats, bunnies, deer, so on. Breedable ones look like they’re quite fun, but… quite spammy.

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Word to your mother

I don’t really know what that means, but I wanted to make that my title anyway.

Family roleplaying.

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A TG Memory: Money Chairs

I’m sure these exist on the Main Grid as well, but alas, I have not seen any; only lucky letter prize chairs and every so often a timed chair. The traffic gaming ToS whatnots took care of these a few months back.

However, the Teen Grid was (and still is) very poorly supervised, and most teens, to my knowledge, did not care about these new rules.

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Obligatory Grid Merge Post

At least I haven’t completely missed the boat on this one.

Background in a nutshell: A few days ago, Phillip Linden announced a plan to merge the grids… well, rather, delete the teen grid and place those 15 and under into stasis (or something to that effect). See here for a bit more of a detailed overview.

Now, as a former Teen Grid resident and supporter of the Grid Merge back in the day, I’m pretty happy. The Teen Grid is failing horribly, and has been for a long while. As I’ve said before, take the Main Grid, remove 90% of its residents, content, and sims, and you pretty much have the Teen Grid.

Anyway, I digress.

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